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Small-scale investment deduction (KIA)

Are you looking for a construction installation company or do you want to map out the possibilities of your commercial roof?

Small-scale investment deduction (KIA)

With the KIA you may deduct part of the invested amount from your profit. This means you pay less corporate tax. 


The amount you may deduct depends on whether you have already made previous investments in business assets during the year that qualify for the KIA. 


We recommend that you first contact your accountant to discuss and map out the KIA deduction. For example, it may be smart not to apply the KIA directly to the solar panels in the year of purchase, but at a later time. 


When you map out the possibilities of your roof with Sunergetic, our experts can support you with the necessary advice, price calculations and the necessary materials.

Table of KIA 2022

The KIA is an additional deductible item on your profit.

For general information, we refer you to the website of the RVO or the Tax Authorities. For tailor-made advice and to discuss the best options for your situation, please contact the specialists at Sunexperts here 


In the table below you can see what the KIA deduction can mean for your investment. 

Investment amount

Advantage of KIA

Less than €2,400


€2.401,- to €59,939,- 

28% of the investment amount

€59.940,- to €110.998,- 

€16,784,- less 7.56% of the part of the investment amount above €110,998

over €332.994,- 

0%, de SDE subsidy better suits you

Would you like to know how much benefit the KIA can mean for you?

Thanks to the years of experience of Sunexperts, we can guide your application without obligation and take a lot of work off your hands.

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