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About Sunexpert

Sunexperts is located in Rotterdam, but has offices and installation teams throughout the Netherlands. Since 2018 we have installed thousands of solar power systems all over Holland, ranging from small residential systems to large commercial installations.

The main brand of solar panels that we install is Q-cell well-known for its high quality, high efficiency solar panels. 

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Why solar panels now?

Although solar panels have been around for many years, it has now become attractive for many consumers to buy solar panels.

  • After years of sharp decline, panel prices have stabilized at a low level

  • You can get a good idea of quality and durability from the panels that are now on the market: The teething problems of the past are gone, and manufacturers can therefore safely give long product guarantees

  • Today's inverters also have high efficiencies of over 98%; can't get much higher!

  • Thanks to netting, you get a one-to-one refund for every kWh you feed back to the grid

  • Thanks to a ruling from the European Court, you will also receive a refund of the 21% VAT on the installation!

  • By having solar panels installed, you help combat climate change

  • By generating your own energy, you are less dependent on energy suppliers and on changing energy prices

  • Solar panels function silently and are virtually maintenance-free

  • Solar panels have no hidden costs for the environment: from production to recycling, all (environmental) costs are taken into account

  • By installing panels, you help achieve the environmental objectives of the Netherlands and make the Netherlands less dependent on the import of fossil fuels from other countries.

Why choose      solar panels?

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Our Quality Guarantee

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Good investment

Generating your own electricity on your own roof has become extremely easy and well worth the investment.


Thanks to the Netherlands' grid metering system, your electricity supplier is legally obliged to buy back the electricity you inject into the grid at the same price as you pay them for the electricity you consume from them.


That means whether you're home or away when the sun is shining, your electricity bill will be significantly lower

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Our approach revolves around quality: We believe that you can get the most out of your roof if you choose quality in all the necessary steps.  


That means: a (free) home visit by one of our experienced advisors to view the specifics of your roof and electrical system, installation by well-trained installers, quality products, including not only the solar panels, but also the inverter, mounting material and cabling , anda reliable after-sales service

The base

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Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular, even in places not known for their sunny climate. Today's solar panels have such good efficiency that they can harness the power of the sun even on a cloudy day.

​All you need is a suitable roof, flat or gable, with a fair amount of surface area unaffected by too much shade. If the solar panels can be installed south-facing, at a good angle, that would be preferable, but even west- or east-facing solar panels can generate enough power to recoup the investment.

The solar panels are connected to an inverter, which converts the electricity produced by the panels from DC (Direct Current) into AC (Alternating Current) that can be supplied to the grid.


The power produced by your solar panels first flows to all the electrical appliances that are switched on in your home, and if production exceeds consumption at any given time, the surplus is returned to the public grid via the electricity meter._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


This ; power is recorded by the electricity meter and when you receive your annual bill from your electricity supplier you will see that the amount of power that is fed back into the grid is automatically deducted from the amount of power you have purchased and all you have to do is to pay for the balance.


If you tailor your system to your needs, you could end up with an electricity bill close to zero!

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