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Image by Vivint Solar

Solar panels 
Green Energy
Every home

Start installing solar panels. Test your roof today or contact us.

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1. Save on your energy bill

Investing in solar panels pays off. You save a lot on your energy bill. But why exactly? We list the reasons for you below:

Solar Energy - Free Energy

solar cells in panels convert sunlight and daylight into electricity. In principle, these are free energy sources. If necessary, solar panels also provide your heat pump, underfloor heating, etc. with electricity. This also makes heating more economical!

High efficiency

the higher it efficiency of your solar panels, the fewer panels you need to achieve the desired capacity. This saves space on the roof and you need a smaller solar panel installation.

Fast payback time:

the more efficiency your solar panels generate, the faster de payback period. On average, panels last about 25 years. Are you making the most of your solar panels? Then you will have earned back the investment within 10 years.

Less dependent on energy supplier:

 thanks to solar panels, you need to purchase less power from your energy company. This makes you less dependent on fluctuating energy prices. If you also take the time to choose the most advantageous supplier, you are in the right place.

1. Save on your energy bill

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