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What do solar panels cost?

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What do solar panels cost?


Solar panels are a smart investment. Because you generate energy yourself, you can provide your own house with electricity. With the electricity that you generate too much, you can earn money by selling it to the grid. That makes you a micro producer of sustainable energy. Finally, you make yourself independent from the major energy companies and rising electricity prices.


What do solar panels cost?

The cost of your solar panels varies per house and household. Factors that affect the price of your solar system include: the dimensions of your roof, the type of panel you choose and the energy consumption of your household. In addition, you can see whether you can make use of subsidies and you are entitled to a VAT refund, which makes the purchase of your solar system more attractive.

Do you want to know what the price is for a solar system for your personal situation? Request a free obligation free quote on. One of our Sun experts will digitally view your home and make a detailed calculation for your solar system, including installation.


What are solar panels? The size of solar panels varies, but most are between 1.0 and 1.1 meters wide and 1.7 and 1.8 meters long. How many solar panels you can have installed then depends on your roof. For example, are there windows or chimneys on your roof? Then we place the solar panels around it. When you request a free quote from us, one of our Sun experts will draw up a sketch with the optimal solution for your roof. The professional installation of your solar system is included in the price.

What the solar panels cost per m2 depends on the type of solar system you choose. At Sunexperts we offer a Design and Pro solar system. Read more here about our range of solar panels.

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Solar panels: the price per kW


On average, solar panels cost 1,200 euros per installed kWp (including VAT), depending on, among other things, the position of the panel and the type of panel. You can calculate exactly how many solar panels you need by starting from your annual energy consumption (in kWh).


If your household consumes 5000 kWh per year, this corresponds to approximately 5 kW. Multiply this by the average price for solar panels of 1,200 euros/kWp, you arrive at an investment in a solar system of approximately 6,000 euros. We assume that your roof meets the conditions for the desired number of solar panels.

Do you want a calculation focused on your home and energy consumption? Request a quote for free en let a Sun expert inform you.

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Payback time with solar panels


The payback period for solar panels refers to the time you need to earn back your investment in solar panels with the electricity you generate. You produce your own energy with solar panels. Your energy consumption is therefore free when you have solar panels, as opposed to buying electricity from an energy company. If you have solar panels, you save money every month.

The average payback time of a solar system in the Netherlands is 7 years. This depends on, among other things, the size of your installation, how much energy you generate, whether you can sell excess energy to the grid and any subsidies. As a rule, larger solar systems have a shorter payback period. The rise in energy prices at energy companies also has an effect on the payback period. This shortens the payback period over the years.

Curious about the payback period when you purchase a solar system? Request a free obligation free quote op and get informed.

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Development of solar panels


Solar panels have undergone an enormous evolution in recent years. Due to technical progress, solar panels are generating more and more energy. As a result, solar panels have become both cheaper and more efficient. The government also encourages the purchase of solar panels with subsidies and VAT refunds.


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